Thursday, January 4, 2018

January 2018

From the Desk of Dr. Cotton

Welcome Back! I hope each of you had a relaxing winter break and are as excited as I am to return to our students. I look forward to seeing each of you at our Teaching and Learning Conference and working closely with you during the spring semester as we continue to support our students in their learning. 

I've been especially intrigued by many of your #oneword2018 posts for the new year. If you haven't already selected a goal for 2018, “My One Word” is an experiment designed to move you beyond the traditional New Year's Resolution. The challenge is simple: lose the long list of changes you want to make this year and instead pick ONE WORD. This process provides clarity by taking all your big plans for life change and narrowing them down into a single focus. Just one word that centers on your character and creates a vision for your future. 

Regardless of your resolution or goal, focus is important. I look forward to seeing what we all achieve in 2018.

Have you completed Safe Schools training modules but are still receiving past due notifications? Be sure to log back in to check the box by the module that denotes completion of the activity.

Have you attended conferences or completed professional development activities during the fall semester? Upload certificates to add points to your transcript in Thrive at your own convenience! Click here to learn how.

**If you haven't already printed your Edivate transcript for 16-17 PD, be sure to do so this month.

The New Year is a wonderful time to start trying some new things. You've spent a good amount of time with your students and feel more comfortable exploring new strategies and practices that are more tailored to their learning needs. I want to share some great ideas that you can use to change things up for the second part of the year -- and that can also help beat the winter blues. Click here to read the full article from Nicholas Provenzano on Edutopia.

Thinking about how to integrate technology into your classroom practice? Learn more about the new technology standards for instructional personnel (from VSTE) and incorporating technology into all areas of education through VDOE's Educational Technology Plan

If equality means giving everyone the same resourcesequity means giving each student access to the resources they need to learn and thrive. As those of us who are parents know, each child is different. It can be tough to meet their competing needs, but this is pretty much the job description for parenting and, I would argue, for teaching. 
If we're committed to the success of every child, we must acknowledge the uneven playing field that exists for many: ELLs, students with special needs, children experiencing trauma or relentless poverty, and students of color who confront unconscious biases about their capacity. Walking toward equity will help us to create inclusive, 21st-century classrooms.

December Wellness Challenge Update

Employees who participated in the Wellness Challenge included in the December staff newsletter and would like to be entered into the drawing for a prize should circle the dates of the challenges they completed and return the Wellness Challenge calendar to the Human Resources Department no later than Wednesday, January 10, 2018.  Thank you for your participation and efforts to live healthy!

Lock your computer if you get up.

  • Don't allow your "friends" to go onto your computer at work or home and access your information.
  • Windows + L will lock your system right away, requiring a password (if you've set one) to log in again.
  • On macOS, use Cmd + Option + Power to log off. On the latest revision of macOS (High Sierra), a quicker option to simply lock the screen was added using the shortcut Cmd + Ctrl + Q.

“Do This Not That”

1.Every step counts!  Instead of parking in the closest spot at your destination, park as far away as you can!
2.We can think of a million reasons to not take the elevator.  A power outage, a fire, a forced and awkward conversation with a stranger, the occasional motion sickness, etc.    Here’s another reason:  Why take the elevator when you can burn calories taking the stairs?!  So, say NO to the elevator and go for the stairs today!
3.Do you have a tendency to work during your lunch and then go home and eat a substantial dinner?  If so, break your habit today and eat a more significant lunch and have a very light and small dinner.
4.Dust off your yoga ball, and pump it up if needed!  Replace your office chair with the yoga ball today!
5.Every time the sugary drink machine calls your name for a carbonated caffeine break, drink a full glass of free water.  Save those dollars for a treat for yourself on Friday!
6.Do you spend most of your grocery shopping in the canned and frozen isles?  This time challenge yourself to stay in the outer circle of the grocery store:  produce, fresh meat, dairy, etc.  Take the time to read and compare labels.  Remember, if you don’t buy it you are 100% less likely to crave it at 10:00 PM.
7.When you need to get a message or speak to a co-worker, don’t send them an e-mail or call them.  Get up, and go see them in person.  Remember, every step counts, and they will appreciate seeing your happy, healthy face!
8.Instead of carrying your purchases around with you at the mall, go back to your car after each purchase to stash the bags.
9.We know that at the end of the day you just want to relax and spend time with your family.  However, if your “time together” is in front of the TV try this:  Go bowling, go walk around downtown, if there is snow outside –Go play for a while!  No TV allowed during family time, unless you happen to have a Wii or X Box Kinect, then have a Dance Dance family challenge or go virtually bowling!

10.Laundry.  Yes, we can even make this chore a Wellness Challenge!  As you are waiting on the spin cycle to finish don’t just stand there --- do curls with the detergent!

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