Monday, July 3, 2017

July 2017

From the Desk of Dr. Cotton

I hope each of you is taking time this summer to follow the instructions of our Teacher of the Year, Brandon Johnson. As he reminded us at the May Teaching and Learning Conference, it is critical for us to relax and reflect on the school year behind us so that we can recharge and be ready for the school year ahead. Our administrative staff is working diligently this summer to prepare for the 2017-2018 school year and I know it will be one of our best yet.

I'm looking forward to seeing each of you at Convocation on August 1 at Magna Vista High School where we will hear from Jennie Magiera (@msmagiera), who will take us on a Courageous Edventure.

Skip the Meeting

You may have already received an email notification to complete annual training forms such as Acceptable Use Policy and OSHA training verifications from SafeSchools. HCPS will be using SafeSchools this year to allow staff members to complete training and verifications at their convenience. Questions about using SafeSchools? Email

How to narrow your internet search.

Use +, - and "" (quotes) to narrow your internet searches.

If you search apples on, you will get over 2 billion returns.  

If you are interested in granny smith apples, let's use quotes(") to narrow the search.
Type apples "granny smith" in
This gives you approximately 783,000 returns.

To narrow your search, even more, let's use the plus(+) sign. Let's make sure that it only displays green granny smith apples.
Type apples "granny smith" +green 
This gives you 32,000 returns 

To narrow your search, even more, let's take out all of the drink recipes of green granny smith apples by using the minus (-) sign. 
Type apples "granny smith" +green -drink
This reduced it to 21,000 returns.   

Let's only see the youtube videos of green granny smith apples.  
Type:  apples "granny smith" +green -drink +youtube
This narrows your search to 5 results.

From Our Community Partners

Mary Baldwin University is pleased to offer the Educator's Choice Discount, a tuition reduction for working educators to help them bring the dream of earning licensure or an advanced degree within reach for paraprofessionals, teachers and school administrators.

We recognize that our LEA partners play an important role in teacher education, and this is one way for us to express appreciation. 

The $70 per credit hour discount, represents 14% off regular tuition cost for graduate coursework. (The reduced graduate tuition rate is $425 per credit hour.) 

The Educator's Choice Discount is available to women and men who are employed educators and are entering Mary Baldwin's Post Baccalaureate Teacher Licensure program or graduate programs toward the Master of Arts in Teaching or Master of Education degrees. We welcome practicing teachers and administrators as well as teaching assistants and other paraprofessionals to take advantage of this special rate. 

This discount is not to be combined with any other discounts, though students may also be eligible for financial aid. 

It is our hope that you will share this information regarding the Educator's Choice Discount with your faculty and staff. 

For more information please contact the MBU Office of Graduate Admissions at 
1-800-468-2262 or

The MBU Graduate Admissions Team


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