Friday, June 2, 2017

June 2017

From the Desk of Dr. Cotton

Thanks to each of you for working so hard to support our students during the 2016-2017 school year. At times it was stressful and difficult, but your diligence pushed students to be successful - and they have been impacted for life because of YOUR caring dedication to our schools. I hope each of you has a relaxing summer and that you are able to spend time reflecting on the accomplishments of the year as well as planning for how we can best collaborate to make 2017-2018 our best year yet.

Refresh your skills in a very important area

CPR/Diabetes class dates are:
6/5/17 -  limited class CPR
6/14/17 - CPR
6/15/17  - CPR
6/20/17 - Diabetes 
6/21/17 -coaches refresher ONLY
7/10/17 - CPR
7/11/17 - CPR
7/12/17- Diabetes
7/13/17- CPR
7/18/17- coaches refresher ONLY
7/19/17 - CPR

All classes will begin at 8AM and will be located at FCM in the Band Room.  Interested persons should email Sherry Vestal ( or call 634-4753.

Looking for Learning Opportunities?

Take advantage of PD on your own schedule via edweb webinars. Check out the June offerings. Achieved five hours or more of webinars? Send certificates to

Time for Reflection

Before you take a much-needed break for the summer, take some time to reflect on the past school year. Spend an hour or even a half-day looking back at all that you’ve learned this school year while those lessons are still relatively fresh. That way, you won’t forget the most valuable things you’ve learned and you are less likely to repeat your mistakes next school year.
Here are 10 questions to use in your reflection:

  1. What were the highlights of this school year? Where did you feel most successful? Where were you “in your zone?”
  2. What do these highlights have in common? In other words, can you spot a trend that helps you understand when you are at your best?
  3. What were the low points of the year? When did you feel the most disconnected to your true genius?
  4. What do those low points have in common? What trends can you spot?
  5. What did you try this year that you have never done before? What lessons did you learn?
  6. What do you want to try next year?
  7. What will you do differently next year? What do you need to stop doing? What needs to be adjusted or refreshed in your practice?
  8. What are you curious about? What do you want to learn more about?
  9. Why did you become a teacher? Do you feel that you lived that purpose this year? If so, why? If not, why?
  10. How have you grown as an educator this year? In what ways do you still need to grow?
*adapted from Mindsteps

Need to Print Your PD Transcript?

School and division professional development activities are being tracked in the Edivate Catalogs section of the system this year. Users can register for professional learning opportunities offered by the district or their school, track the activities they participated in and monitor the credits they have earned on their Catalog Transcript. 

  • Log in to Edivate using your username (SPS email) and password. You can recover your password by clicking Forget Password?

  • Click ResourcesLearning Targets > Catalogs.

  • Click the Catalogs tab on the left.

  • Click the Catalog Title  to access the available trainings. The professional learning opportunities available will display in the catalog table, including: type, title, credit (STAR/renewal point) value, and number of seats available.

  • Click the training title to view additional training details such as: audience, description, date, and location. Then, click Register to be added to the training unit.  You can also click the Register button for the training unit you want while viewing the full catalog list.

  • Catalog training units for which you have already registered for will NO LONGER DISPLAY in the catalog. Click Transcript to view your registered and completed training units. You may also print your full transcript of completed and/or registered units.

  • To unregister, click  Resources > Learning Targets > Catalogs > Transcript. Click the Remove button in the status column for the unit from which you want to remove from your transcript or unregister.

Use Google Task to Stay Organized

To get to Task within your email screen:
Click on 'Mail' (top left corner)
Click on 'Task'

To remove a task from your list:
Click on 'Mail' (top left corner)
Click on 'Task'
Check the box beside of the completed task or you can click the delete icon at the bottom right of the task screen.

To save an email to your Task List:
Open the email that you want to add to the task list
Click on 'More' and click 'Add to Tasks'

From Our Partners

Need items for next year's classroom decor? Contact S&K Office Products to ensure they have what you need in stock when it's time to come back in August. 
 "Teacher Appreciation Week" which will be Monday July 24th- Friday July 28th.

We are closing in on 150 registrants (with a healthy number from outside of NC) and still have room for more.  So, if you, your colleagues, or your teachers are still looking for opportunities for summer professional development, please consider the MELT Program at Appalachian State University in Boone NC.  But please get your registrations in soon.  And take advantage of our GROUP DISCOUNT.  Also, if you are not already registered and you are a North Carolina K-8 teacher, ask your school district administrators about the district teacher professional development SCHOLARSHIP about which we have informed them.

The Mathematics Education Training Program (MELT) provides cutting edge professional development opportunities for K-12 mathematics teachers and community college faculty through week-long, residential, Summer Institutes focusing on the pedagogical content knowledge (K-12 Math, Grades 6-12 STEM, and K-8 Literacy) needed for teachers to assist their students to succeed.  Each MELT Summer Institute provides participants with the opportunity of earning continuing education units (CEUs)

The MELT Institutes for Summer 2017 include the following: 

Week 1: June 26-30, 2017

Math 3 (3rd high school math)  (3 CEUs in Math)
Integrating Technology into Mathematics (Grades 6-12)  (3 CEUs in Math)
Numbers, Operations, & Meaning (Grades K-5)  (3 CEUs in Math)  FULL. Contact Dr. Bossé if needed.
Numbers, Operations, & Meaning (Grades 6-8)  (3 CEUs in Math)

Week 2: July 10-14, 2017

STEM Leadership (Grades 6-12)  (3 CEUs, either Math, Science, or a combination)
Math 2 (2nd high school math)  (3 CEUs in Math)
Literacy in Mathematics (Grades K-8)  (3 CEUs in Literacy)
Algebraic Thinking, Algebra, & Functions (Grades K-5)  (3 CEUs in Math)
Algebraic Thinking, Algebra, & Functions (Grades 6-8)  (3 CEUs in Math)

Week 3: July 17-21, 2017

Math 1 (1st high school math)  (3 CEUs in Math)
Math 4 (4th high school math)  (3 CEUs in Math)
Formative Assessment & Learning (Grades 6-12)  (3 CEUs in Math)
Fractions, Ratios, Proportions, & Geometry (Grades K-5)  (3 CEUs in Math)
Fractions, Ratios, Proportions, & Geometry (Grades 6-8)  (3 CEUs in Math)

Descriptions of these courses are available online. 

We continue to provide to teachers and districts a Group Discount.  The group discount is simply a Buy-One-Get-One free on the Institute tuition.  Buy any seat in any MELT Summer Institute and get one seat in either that same Institute or another Institute tuition free.  Pairs of teachers do not need to be in the same institute or even in the same week.  This discount is even applicable to one teacher who wishes to attend two Summer Institutes for the price of one.  (This discount is only applied to MELT Institute tuition costs and not the costs for housing.)  Groups of teachers can organize this group discount or a school or district can organize this through the MELT program. 

MELT is again offering a STEM Leadership Institute to investigate ways to enhance K-12 STEM programs.  This Institute is being offered in Week 2 (July 10-14).  For this Institute, participants will select to earn CEUs in either science, math, or a combination.   

MELT has contracted with some area hotels for room prices.  See the MELT Summer Institutes website for hotel information.

If you are an administrator and interested in sending some teachers from your district or school to MELT, blocks of seats can be purchased to reserve slots and ensure the group discount.  Contact the MELT office as soon as possible.  If you are a teacher and want professional development, act quickly.  If you have any questions, please contact me through the information below.  

The following information is available online:

Fuller descriptions of the MELT program;

Descriptions of the Summer Institutes curriculum and costs;

A convenient Printable Curriculum with information regarding Graduate Credits and CEUs;

The Summer Institutes Daily Schedule;

The Summer Institutes Registration Form; and

Housing Information for the Summer Institutes

Hoping to see you this summer,
Michael J. Bossé
Distinguished Professor of Mathematics Education and MELT Program Director
Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, 243 Walker Hall, 121 Bodenheimer Dr.,
Appalachian State University, Boone NC 28608-2092
Office Phone: (828) 262-2862    Cell Phone: (252) 902-7536    Skype address: Michael.J.Bossé

RU World Ready?
Global Education Conference 2017
Kyle Hall
Saturday, August 19

9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Check-in for the conference will begin at 8:15 a.m.
Register today by using Radford   Connection.
$45 registration fee
$25 with Radford University I.D.

Registration fee includes conference expenses,
certificate of completion, continental breakfast and lunch.

For further registration information, please contact or

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