Monday, November 2, 2015

November 2015

photos from the Fall Games 2015 photo booth

From the Desk of Dr. Cotton

In the daily practice of teaching and guiding students, we collaborate to shape who they are. Educators have enormous responsibility and ours can often be a stressful job, but being with students is also a great deal of fun! It is important for us to remember to enjoy our students and to enjoy time with our colleagues as well. Make an effort this month to enjoy some fun moments with the staff in your building so that you can approach every working moment with infectious happiness - silly hats and props optional.

Share Your Expertise

The January 5, 2016 Teaching and Learning Conference will be focused on What We Need Now. Do you have a technique or idea that could benefit your colleagues? Have you been to a conference lately? Click here to submit a proposal to present what works for you/what you've learned lately. Each session will run for 50 minutes. Proposal submission deadline: November 23.

Start Now 

Don't want to wait for January's Teaching and Learning Conference to enhance your skills? Check out these Professional Learning Opportunities on Twitter:
Standards Based Grading #SBG109  
Project Based Learning #PBL109    
Classroom Management #MGT109
Connected Educators  #ConEd109  
Disciplinary Literacy   #LDC109  
Special Needs Topics #Sped109
ePortfolios   #ePort109   
Doing Things Differently #DTD109   
Simply search the # and engage in the discussion.

Congratulations, JRSES!

During their Grand Opening Celebration, the staff at JoAnn Fabric and Craft Store (in Village at Martinsville) drew the name of one local school to win a gift of $2000 from the store. John Redd Smith Elementary was the school selected. Principal Cherie Whitlow and her staff will use the funds to purchase educational tools to support cooperative learning.

Thinking About PD? 

The Mickelson ExxonMobil Teachers Academy is a one-week all-expense-paid intensive professional development program for third- through fifth-grade teachers. The Academy offers a five-day program designed to provide third- through fifth-grade teachers with the knowledge and skills necessary to motivate students to pursue careers in science and math. Interested in attending? Visit

Did You Know?


  Want to share great resources with HCPS colleagues? Send your recommendations to

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