Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Marching On

What CAN You Build?
It has been so exciting to see the CANstructions each school has collaborated to create during our canned food drive for Grace Network and The Community Storehouse. The most innovative CANstruction and winner of a document camera is the American Flag created by the staff and students at The Center for Community Learning. Thanks to everyone who contributed to our donation of over 1,000 cans for local families.
*Check out this month's Superintendent's Highlights for more CANstructions from around the district.

Are Your Students Participating?
#DLDay will be celebrated across the country on March 13. Tell us what you're doing in the classroom on #DLDay via Twitter using the hashtags #DLDay and #HCPSpride. One teacher Tweet will win a prize. Visit the Digital Learning Day site for ideas on how to celebrate #DLDay with your class.

From the Desk of Dr. Cotton

Racing to the future...the future is now! is the theme of the HCPS Fast Track 2015 booth. Participating in Fast Track allows us to share the great things happening in our classrooms with thousands of school community stakeholders. This opportunity to showcase our technology and initiatives is leading to some important partnerships that will help enrich our students' learning experiences and support their success.

Thanks so much to our Facilities Maintenance staff for constructing such a dynamic booth depicting the classroom of the past & the classroom of today, to our 2014 Teachers of the Year for volunteering to work in the booth, and to our School Board members for helping to share our story on VIP Night.

Be sure to stop by the booth if you visit Fast Track this evening between 4:00 and 7:00 (admission is $2 or 2 canned food items) so that you can play the floor piano (to be awarded to a teacher in coming weeks), build a collaborative sculpture in the maker space, see our Maker Bot in action (part of our library maker space makeovers), and experience the use of our SMART Kapp collaboration board (coming to a classroom near you soon)!

Remember to Change Your Clocks
Move your clocks forward one hour on Sunday, March 8.

Ready for more resources from VMNH? Find their March newsletter for teachers here.

Wondering how Social Media could fit into your class or how to effectively use it? Education on the Edge has some advice. Check out advice for Educators New to Twitter as well.

Still have questions or concerns regarding the Anthem data breach? Here's some information regarding the incident. You can also request free additional protection and enroll in AllClear PRO.

Is a Paperless Classroom Really Possible? Handouts is one way to get started.

Want to share great resources with HCPS colleagues? Send your recommendations to

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