Monday, January 5, 2015

Happy 2015, HCPS!

Congratulations, Exabyte Challenge Winners!

Drewry Mason Elementary librarian Velaine Bonebright and Bassett High School Earth Science teacher Amy Jarrett will start classes in 2015 with an Apple TV in their learning spaces. Bonebright and Jarrett completed Phase 1 of the Exabyte Challenge by submitting dynamic technology-rich, integrated lessons. Impressive lesson plans involving creativity, communication, collaboration, and/or critical thinking earn teachers a chance to receive an Apple TV for the classroom (the device is used with a SMARTboard and allows teachers and students to airdrop presentations from a MacBook or an iPad onto the screen).

From the Desk of Dr. Cotton

You already know this, but our students are great. Not only do they come to school every day ready to be part of the teaching and learning that occurs in our schools, but they work hard beyond the school day on our athletic fields, in our student organizations, and in our community. Today, I had the privilege to hear from four students competing in the local American Legion Oratorical Competition (and to take a selfie with them!). I could not be more proud of the work ethic and communication skills that they are demonstrating through this process. Thank you to each of you for motivating our students to be their absolute best every day and to work hard to excel inside and outside of the classroom.

A New Year, A New Mindset

The beginning of a new year often leads us to resolutions for change in some area of our lives. Are you resolving to approach things differently in 2015? Researcher and author Carol Dweck asserts that we should approach life with a growth mindset. Listen to her philosophy (and how it applies to our classrooms) in this TED Talk

How might you apply this to your own daily life? How can it be applied in our classrooms?

Thanks to You!

Thanks to your contributions, United Way of Martinsville-Henry County will touch the lives of community members through support and programming in 2015. With 54% of our employees giving (twice as many as last year!) and an increase in donations of $5,822.96, we are helping to equip families in our community for success. We are especially excited that 98 area children will receive one book per month during 2015 due to the donations of HCPS employees directed to the Dolly Parton Initiative.

Kudos to Collinsville Primary and Stanleytown Elementary for increasing participation to 100%!

Need Some Motivation for the New Semester? Listen to this student's perspective: Do You Believe in Me?

Are you taking advantage of the resources available to teachers at VMNH? Check out their monthly newsletter here.

Want to share great resources with HCPS colleagues? Send your recommendations to

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