Tuesday, November 4, 2014

The EXABYTE Challenge is off and running!!!

The EXABYTE challenge is a way for teachers to obtain technology-rich classrooms of the future.

Last week, two teachers were awarded an Apple TV for their classrooms. 

Angela Morris, a Biology teacher at Bassett High School, will use her Apple TV for students to share their research on the mechanisms of Genetics. Students will use their iPads and Socrative to provide answers to questions from their Performance Tasks. Answers can be air played to Morris’s SmartBoard via the Apple TV. Morris said, "I am very excited to use the new technology in my classroom and to see what my students can gain from utilizing technology in the classroom." 

Joanna Griffith (Rich Acres Elementary) also earned an Apple TV. She is using the Apple TV with her students and their new iPad Airs. “With an Apple TV and the iPads, my students will be able to create presentations using Keynote and Garage Band to generate reviews.  Each student or group of students will then teach their classmates as their presentation is shared on the SMART board using my Apple TV.” 

Congratulations to these two deserving teachers!
Want to learn more about how you can earn an Apple TV for your classroom? Visit The Exabyte Challenge on our Tech This Out page today!

From The Desk of Dr. Cotton

I have had the privilege of being in many of your classrooms recently and am very excited about the learning taking place in Henry County Public Schools. Your implementation of our new curriculum is impacting our learners in so many important ways. Take a moment today to talk with your students about the great things happening in their classes and join me in thanking your colleagues for their innovation.

UWMHC 2015

Did you know that $0.99 of each dollar you donate to United Way stays in Henry County? $0.90 of each dollar goes to programs and services (like Boys and Girls Club, Smart Beginnings, and Grace Network) that directly benefit your community. Our goal this year is 100% participation - be part of the campaign for our community and donate today...no donation is too small!
Are You Following Us?

If you're not already connected to our school community on-line, you should be! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Pinterest to keep up with HCPS news, events & alerts. You can connect to our Parent Resources on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest, and read the Family Five blog as well...and don't forget to connect with Dr. Cotton via his blog and on Twitter.

Public Presence

When we want to know more about an entity, we tend to head to its website. What does your website say about you? Can students and parents use it to discover more about what's happening in class? Think about ways to use your website as you consider flipping your classroom or ways to use your website for students who are absent.


Want to share great resources with HCPS colleagues? Send your recommendations to mhatchet@henry.k12.va.us.

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