Sunday, January 3, 2016

January 2016

From the Desk of Dr. Cotton

Happy New Year! Thanks to a fantastic team of staff members, 2015 was a phenomenal year for HCPS. In December alone, we celebrated with alum Ed Reynolds as part of the 50th anniversary of the Super Bowl - Drewry Mason Elementary is now home to one of the NFL's golden footballs, we were recognized with our third Apple Distinguished Program honor, and our nutrition program was recognized by the Governor for ensuring that no child goes hungry. I am excited to work alongside each of you as we collaborate to make 2016 just as great. Thank you for all you do for our students - let's resolve together to do our best for the children of our community.

Resolution: Communication

Thinking about ways to communicate with families during the second semester? Many teachers effectively use text messaging platforms to remind students and their families of class and school events. Before you click send, check out Education Week's Best Practices for School to Home Texting

Healthy Youth = Focused Youth

On January 20, schools and organizations around the state will encourage students to practice healthy habits. You can join in by offering a "brain break" during class, incorporating an active element into your lesson, or sharing ideas about being healthy with your students. Learn more about Healthy Youth Day here.


Want to encourage students to extend their learning beyond the basics? Challenge them - and yourself - to enhance learning in the classroom by incorporating the SAMR Padagogy Wheel into your planning. Allan Carrington has developed the Padagogy Wheel V4.0 for to aid teachers in planning and implementing SAMR modification and redefinition into regular classroom activity. Each of the suggested apps has been extensively reviewed by a team of educators and offers a variety of possible uses in every classroom. How will you include modification and redefinition during the second semester?

Want to share great resources and/or announcements with HCPS colleagues? 
Send your recommendations to by the 28th of each month.