Monday, October 2, 2017

October 2017

From the Desk of Dr. Cotton

We have so many fantastic employees in HCPS! I was excited this month to be able to surprise three deserving winners of the Superintendent's Starfish Award: Donna Stephens, Sheila Lopez, and Angie Wood were all nominated by colleagues to be recognized for the work they do to go above and beyond to support our staff and students.

Do you work with someone who deserves recognition? Complete a nomination form at

Community Investment

Each year, HCPS supports education, financial stability, and healthy living initiatives in MHC by participating in the United Way campaign. UWHCM provides opportunities for future students to receive books through the Dolly Parton Imagination Library, offers families important tax and financial training, hosts the Dollars and Sense Reality Fair for seniors, and works to lead projects that promote service in our area - including our schools. Consider supporting the campaign by getting involved as a volunteer or donating at your school or department this fall. Questions about the United Way campaign? Email for more information.

The Conference is Coming!

As we prepare for the January 4, 2018 Teaching and Learning Conference at Bassett High School, your input is needed. Please take a moment to share your thoughts on what you'd like to see at the conference. Have a great session idea? Click here to submit a proposal.

Safety Upgrades

From September to November, our schools will be undergoing visitor management system upgrades. Visitors to each school will now use a computer check-in and check-out system in the lobby, which will print a badge for them. This system will also help the school to document volunteer visits and help with student attendance management as well. One important note: If you are a HCPS employee and would like to check out your child at an HCPS school, a driver's license will be required.  

Important Information Regarding Required Trainings

Several required training modules have been shared with staff members via SafeSchools this year. There was a recent issue in the system that may have caused email alerts for required training to have been suspended. This means you may have additional modules awaiting your attention. Be sure to log in to your SafeSchools account and check to make sure all training modules have been completed.

Employee Self-Service

HCPS is now using Employee Self Service (ESS), a web-based service that allows employees to view monthly pay stubs online as well as to view and update information related to employment with HCPS.

The ESS system allows employees to view payroll information, including the pay stub, W-2 and W-4 information, and leave time and to make changes to keep information correct and up to date. The system also has a Paycheck Simulator that can be used to determine how salary will be affected by a change in marital status, dependents claimed, additional withholdings, and more.

Your HCPS compensation continues to be direct deposited into your bank account. Beginning this month, however, you will now view your pay stub online and will no longer receive a printed pay advice (stub). To log in and to view your stub, please take the following steps:
·       Go to the website at
·       Click on “Henry County / Schools / Social Services ESS”
·       Under Login, type your Employee Number, and (under Password) type the last four digits of your Social Security Number. Please note that you may log in from a personal computer or other device, including a smart phone. If you do not have a computer or device on which to log in, a computer should be available for you to use at a school.
·       After logging in for the first time using the last four digits of your Social Security Number, you will be prompted to establish a unique password to use during future logins.
·       The first time you log in, click on “Personal Information” on the left-hand side of the screen, update your contact data, and add an email address. This can be a Henry County Schools email or a personal email address.
·       An email address is required in Employee Self Service, so please be sure to complete this important step!

Should you have difficulties logging in to ESS, please contact a member of the Human Resources Department for assistance:
            Mrs. Wendy Philpott, Licensure Specialist,, 634-4707
            Mrs. Marie Waldron, Benefits Specialist,, 634-4715
Ms. Kim Roher, HR Assistant,, 634-4577
            Mrs. Tanya Verlik, HR Coordinator,, 634-4706
            Mrs. Christy Landon, Director of HR,, 634-4708

Congratulations, Leo!

Magna Vista High School's Leo Johns recently received the Service Solutions GEM (Great Employees Make Magic) Award for all of Henry County! This is Service Solution's Employee of the Year award! He will now be entered for state and national recognition. Good luck, Leo!

October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month

The Tech department, along with ITRTs, will be posting on social media and educating our students and staff on Cyber Security throughout the month.

Themes for the month:
  • Week 1: Oct. 2-6 STOP. THINK. CONNECT.™: Simple Steps to Online Safety
  • Week 2: Oct. 9-13 Cybersecurity in the Workplace Is Everyone's Business
  • Week 3: Oct. 16-20 Today's Predictions for Tomorrow's Internet
  • Week 4: Oct. 23-27 The Internet Wants You: Consider a Career in Cybersecurity
  • Week 5: Oct. 30-31 Protecting Critical Infrastructure From Cyber Threats

Create a Custom Google Search Engine

Looking for a focused integration of technology in a particular lesson? Our friends at teachthought are sharing this month how to create a custom search engine for your students to use. Click here to learn more about how to get started.

From Our Favorite Pirate

One of my favorite lines from The Zen Teacher by Dan Tricarico is, “When our minds are focused on what we are grateful for, it is almost impossible to feel unhappy.” I believe this to be absolutely true. There are lots of tragic stories, horrific news cycles, and flat out poisonous negativity that bombards us every day. It can become all-consuming if you let it. It can kill you.

(Read this post and watch the video on my blog RIGHT HERE!)
Or…you can draw energy from it. I am drawn to amazing and uplifting stories filled with hope, forceful resistance against oppression, people rallying around those in need, and humanity rising above their circumstances to persevere and conquer obstacles and challenges.
Sometimes our brightest hours and our mightiest victories are born out of darkness and despair.

I’m not depressed by the world I see around me. I’m disappointed. I’m frustrated. I’m angry. But, more significantly, I’m also engaged and energized. I’m more inspired to fight the good fight. I’m pacing like a caged tiger waiting for the gate to open…but nobody is there to open it so I’m going to have to knock it down.
Wallowing in negativity leads to inaction. It saps our strength. It makes us want to mentally and physically “check out.” We can’t allow that to happen. Good people need to get to stepping! We need to overwhelm all this virulent venom around us with a tsunami of superlatives and an avalanche of advocacy.
So where can we start?
Why? Because it not only gives us energy, it gives energy to those around us, too. It is a multiplier. You feel better when I authentically thank you for your contribution…and I feel better, too. It’s a win-win in every way imaginable. Gratitude focuses our mind on that which is empowering to us and each other.
Starting with an appreciation for what we have is always the best place to begin to strive for more. Furthermore, a humble recognition that others have helped us to achieve our present level of success is a critical step in the process. It allows us to see that we didn’t sail here alone. It makes us not only willing to seek and accept help from others in the future, but also more willing to lend a hand to the people traveling down these treacherous paths with us.
Life is tough. Look around…who can you help? Who needs a kind word today? (I’ll give you a hint…the answer is EVERYBODY)
And who do you need to thank?
I made a video to be played at the June, 2017 retirement luncheon for a woman who changed my life. I team-taught a first period class for 17 consecutive years with an amazing special education teacher named Billie Fogle. I never intended to share it outside of that setting but a couple of people have run across it on YouTube and mentioned they enjoyed it…so here it is. It is just filmed in one take in a hotel room, has a few inside jokes that might not make sense, and there is no pirate bandana (shocker!), but I hope you enjoy it. (I’m also upset that it sounds like I said, “Penn & Taylor” instead of Teller…but whatever! One take is one take!)
I also wrote a post back in 2011 thanking one of my master/mentor teachers, Melinda Oliver. She is another incredible woman and part of my story as an educator. You can find that post by clicking RIGHT HERE!
Now it is your turn!! Who do you need to thank? Blog about it! Make a video! Call them on the phone! Text them! Set up a time to meet! Tweet them! Hit them up on Facebook! It only matters that you do it! I would love if you would share your gratitude by including #tlap and #gratitude into your tweet on Twitter. Feel free to comment below, as well. You’ll immediately feel better…and you will be uplifting and making someone else’s day at the same time. Look around. We could all use that right now.

The Science Museum of Virginia has a few opportunities that may be of interest to you and your students.

·       The Museum’s Fall Field Trip Guide has been mailed to schools, but you can access a digital copy on their website. It highlights activities by grade level including a featured adventure, optional add-ons and SOLs covered.

·       One of the Museum’s biggest days is almost here. Every year, thousands of guests enjoy RVA Makerfest, which is hosted at the Museum. On October 7, from 10 a.m. – 5 p.m., guests will enjoy FREE Museum admission and can see over 100 local makers discuss their craft and demonstrate their skills. The event encourages guests to embrace their inner DIY drive and is a great chance for children to see STEAM disciplines at work.