Friday, May 1, 2015

May 2015 Staff Newsletter

From the Desk of Dr. Cotton

There are so many exciting things happening during the final weeks of school! We are saying goodbye to some dear colleagues as we celebrate their retirement, celebrating excellent students and teachers with Academic Excellence honors, recognizing another outstanding class of graduates, and supporting our students as they work to complete final assignments and SOL tests. As you look toward the last day of school, remember to stop and reflect on the moments that have been important to you as a professional this year. Share your successes with your colleagues and talk about how to use those moments to enhance the planning you will do this summer. Your constant efforts to enhance the learning of our students are so valuable - thank you for all that you do!

Congratulations, BHS - National Green Ribbon Award Winner!

Managing Director of the White House Council on Environmental Quality Christy Goldfuss joined U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan to announce that Bassett High School, in Bassett, VA is among the 2015 U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon Schools award honorees. 

BHS was nominated by the Virginia Department of Education for its energy efficiency and conservation efforts, as well as its high standards for nutrition and fitness in order to improve student and staff health, attendance, and achievement, including extensive physical education and extra-curricular physical activity offerings. 

Third Quarter Superintendent's Starfish Award Winners

In one of his numerous roles, Elmer Martin, Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds, makes sure our parking lots and driveways are clear of ice and snow after inclement weather and hazard-free year round. He works to ensure that all facilities are ready for use at all times, often working to complete necessary tasks well beyond regular working hours and on weekends.

Computer Support Technician Alex Clifton helps with any technology issue even when he is not in the building. He shows professionalism in all that he does and treats every issue with his full attention, regardless of the time of day to ensure that everything is ready to go smoothly when students and teachers are in school.

Rich Acres' Rebecca Allen enthusiastically goes above and beyond to promote success in her students and the school community. Mrs. Allen has been instrumental in leading and planning for the RAE GOFAR club, coordinating race details, implementing healthy lifestyle instruction, and supervising a community fundraiser. Her efforts have caused the program to grow to include half of the school's fourth and fifth grade population. 

Stanleytown's Chelsea Rodgers sets the bar high. Students are always first and relations with all stakeholders are extremely important. In addition to daily instruction, Mrs. Rodgers makes home visits to her students' families and helps them prepare a meal to share together so that they can truly engage in partnership. Outside of school, she involves families in the community through enrichment activities, including instruction in ELL GED classes for parents at the school.

Computer Technician Irvin Betts works diligently to support our schools. No matter how busy his day is, he always takes the time to listen to the issues someone is experiencing and develop a plan of action. Mr. Betts constantly works to problem solve and multitask with courtesy and patience. He truly cares about the division, his schools, and his quality of work.

Join Us in Encouraging Summer Learning Opportunities for Students

Upcoming Events:
May 4-8         Teacher Appreciation Week
May 6            School Nurse Day
May 22           BHS Graduation
May 23           MVHS Graduation
May 27 & 28   Teaching and Learning Conference

Looking for ways to enhance classroom activities? 

Try Pinterest! The site contains a wide variety of innovative ideas for education in all areas and for all ages. Read more about using Pinterest in the classroom at The Teacher's Guide to Pinterest.

Commit to spend 30 minutes outside every day for 30 days in May. It doesn’t have to be all at once. You might take 5 minute walks during breaks or eat lunch outside. Just get in 30 minutes. You’ll feel better and after 30 days you’ll likely have a healthy new habit.

Check out VMNH's Big Al's Almanac:

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